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Sagenite is a variety of rutile, where the crystals intersect at 60-degree angles, forming a network-like structure that gives the Latin name of "sagena", which means “net”.

This rare batch of sagenite quartz specimens from Brazil first appeared on the market years ago, only to vanish shortly after. Now, they’ve made a striking return, creating excitement among mineral collectors.

From our specimens, most of the Sagenite Quartz can be seen growing on fragmented quartz crystals. Traces of rutile can also be found in the cracks of the quartz, and some specimens feature overlapping growth of quartz and the net-like rutile formations, creating an intriguing interplay of crystal forms.

Location: Itamarandiba, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Dimension: 10 x 6  x 5 cm

Rare Qaurtz Sagenite from Brazil/Rutile Qaurtz - Itamarandiba, Minas Gerais

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    © Lithos Minerals di Simone Pardini Via Vittorio Emanuele, 19 - 55041 Camaiore (LU) Italy - P. I. 02232750469 - C. F. PRDSMN80D25G628D

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